

About Socialhub

SocialHub is the world’s simplest Social Media Management Software. Create and schedule Facebook Posts and Ads faster than ever with just a few clicks. Plan all your content in the simplest interface you’ll ever work with. Work together as a team with powerful collaboration features and get simple to understand Analytics that show you what works at a glance.

What problems does Socialhub solve?

The process of creating and promoting content on Facebook is too time-consuming and a pain in the ass. The reason is you can’t do it all in one spot and the Facebook Ad Manager is too complex and slow.

For whom your Product/ Service is for?

Social Media Managers, Online Marketing Managers, Digital Marketing Managers and Marketing Managers

What makes you stand out from the crowd?

We uniquely combine the workflow of creating and scheduling content with promoting posts directly on Facebook in the simplest interface you’ll ever work with.

About The Founders

We’re 3 founders: David, Oliver, and Sebastian. We met in school/university, founded a web agency in 2009 which we build up until 2013 when we decided to switch our business model and build a SaaS software.

Now 5 years later we achieved product-market fit in Germany with a couple hundred customers and build up a whole Social Media Management Suite. Now we’re launching parts of our product internationally.
Founding Date: 2013-06-01

Industry: SaaS

Number Of Employees: 1-10

Headquarters: Ingolstadt, Germany




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Germany Office

Schütterlettenweg 4
85053 Ingolstadt, Germany


6 Total Score

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