Category: Business
Running a Small Business? Here are 7 Ways to Manage Your Stress

There are several advantages to being a business owner, not the least of which is the ability to be your own boss. Also, you will be able to see the realization of your ideas and aspirations. Furthermore, you have complete control over the company's direction. However, there are certain ...

7 Steps To Create A Value Proposition For Your Startup

Starting your own business is a commendable and bold step. However, your consumers’ needs should be your main priority for your business to succeed. Customers are the lifeline of any business, and without their support, your business may close down in no time. In this sense, you should ...

5 Tips to Leverage Your Automated Webinar Sessions

The pandemic that started in 2020 has largely affected many businesses worldwide. This is in terms of marketing, sales, and unforeseen costs. One of the main reasons is the challenge of meeting face to face to host events, market products and services, and boost sales. But when you enter ...

Benefits of Using a Staffing Agency

The work environment continues to change rapidly. However, the need for quality employment remains relevant. Some companies don't have the time or money to recruit people, so a staffing agency comes in handy. Here are some benefits of using a staffing agency.  Having Recruitment ...

How to Position Your Startup for Acquisition

Your startup can end in two ways. One, it goes under, or two, it gets acquired. Any sensible entrepreneur will hope for number two, which means preparing your startup for a life-changing exit in the future. Now, you might think exit planning starts when you’re ready to sell, but if you want to ...

How to Build Your Credit Score to Apply for Lån (Loans)

One way to know how healthy your finances are is to check your credit score. Lenders can take a look at this score and find out at once whether or not you are responsible for credit.  A good score can be the determining factor of whether you get a loan or not. Plus, low-interest rate loans ...

12 Ways To Fund Your Startup

There are about 1,000 unicorn companies globally, and their presence fueled the passion of many young and old entrepreneurs to venture into the business world. Unicorn startups are private companies that became successful and valued at about USD 1 billion. Former unicorns are now decacorns ...

Why Your Startup Needs A Strong Value Proposition

Value Proposition Inscription on the Modern Illustation with Blue 3d Arrow and Doodle Icons Around. Value Proposition Drawn on White Brick Wall. Illustration with Hand Drawn Icons. 3d. Starting your own firm is perhaps one of the most effective strategies to earn a living. As the business ...

Dropshipping Business Model By A Successful Ecommerce Expert

If you want to have a successful e-commerce business, dropshipping is the first business model you should try. It has generated a lot of success stories—the best example being Matthew Lepre, who is the founder of Ecom Warrior Academy. Thanks to his patience and some assistance from a ...

The Startup INC